
You may work with me in a wide variety of modalities, as suits your needs:

Life-Path Reading

Meet for a one-time, intuitive reading of your psychological, spiritual, and subconscious (Basic Self) patterns and challenges. Getting to know you will begin with numerology for immediate orientation to your spiritual agenda for this life. This reading is a good place to begin to determine if further work together would be beneficial.

Third-Eye Meditation

Attend the weekly meditation session, which is open to the public by RSVP. You and the other meditators will be instructed on the methods and purpose of this specific, ancient type of daily practice for opening the Third Eye. After the medication, the group holds sharing and discussion, which allows you to integrate your experiences and get answers to any questions that may have arisen in you.

Spirituality Workshops

Attend monthly public interactive workshops on 50+ topics spanning broad areas of spiritual development, from introductory and practical to the metaphysical and esoteric. On-site 2-hour workshops have been held across Austin, Dallas, Houston, New Orleans, Tulsa, and Oklahoma City; workshops on desired topics or at specific locations can be requested.

Basic (Lower) Self Counseling

Meet for private sessions to develop awareness of the Basic (Lower) Self and uncover subconscious beliefs held within it, which reflect individual karma, childhood and sexual trauma, and long-standing emotional problems needing self-forgiveness and healing.

Spiritual Life Coaching

Enroll in 2-month blocks of intensive one-on-one mentoring, to help you realize significant movement and advancement in your personal growth. This committed time focuses freely on your current, pressing challenges across all concerns, including personal relationships, birth and current family, career challenges, emotional disturbances, and spiritual blocks. While working verbally on the practical level, we also work on the spiritual level, clearing and releasing negativity each session.

Couples Counseling

Meet for private couples coaching to reveal the nature of the blocks present in the relationship and ways to move into spiritual alignment and accord. Unlike conventional couples therapy, this approach re-attunes you to each other and lays the foundation for a shared direction together.